Targeted marketing supports recruitment efforts within your community. Targeted marketing is understanding who your best performing employees are and finding others who share the same characteristics. Developing flyers with your specific target markets in mind will increase the number of responses you receive. These flyers are designed to be used in conjunction with your other recruiting efforts. They can be used and distributed in a variety of mediums, including print, email, social media banners, and any other creative way you use to advertise your organization. Our targeted marketing webinar describes the purpose of targeted marketing and how to use it to find the best employees.

As a part of this project, targeted marketing flyers and PSA videos were created to target different audiences. The flyers can be downloaded via the links found on this page. You can find links to the video advertisements on the PSA page.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

TENNcare – Targeted Marketing:

Learn about targeted marketing and how to use it to find the best employees.

Targeted Marketing Webinar Slides

Targeted Marketing Flyers

A collection of 7 full recruitment flyers in a single PDF for ease of printing.

Download a PDF of the 7 recruitment flyers PDF

More compact images of the flyers you can download and use in things like social media posts.

Flyer: Looking for a career with meaning?
Flyer: Looking for a new opportunity?
Flyer: You've got a diploma. Now what?
Flyer: Don't stop working, work with someone new.
Flyer: Don't stop working, work with someone new.
Flyer: Looking for a new opportunity to serve?
Flyer: Looking for a new opportunity to serve?