Public Service Announcements

Public service announcements (PSAs) are intended to raise awareness about a specific topic or cause. They are widely used to raise awareness of the challenging but rewarding work of direct support professionals (DSPs). Increasing the public’s understanding of direct support can help organizations recruit DSPs. Many people do not know what it means to be a DSP. They may not even understand that supporting people to live a full life in their community is a real job. A PSA is a great way to spread the word about who DSPs are and what they do. PSAs are used most effectively when they are part of a broader marketing campaign. To learn about the different forms of PSAs and how they can be used in conjunction with larger recruitment campaigns, view the Public Service Announcements webinar.

As a part of this project, PSAs have been developed for provider organizations' use, shown below. The development of the PSAs were informed by discussions within regional Communities of Practice to ensure effective messaging.

Watch the Tennessee PSAs on YouTube

Video from the Web version of this publication:

TENNcare – Reaching a Broad Audience:

Learn more about public service announcements.

Public Service Announcements Webinar Slides