Structured Behavioral Interview

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TENNcare – Structured Behavioral Interview:

Learn about Structured Behavioral Interviews.

Structured Behavioral Interview Webinar Slides

The structured behavioral interview is a technique used in the selection process for hiring direct support professionals (DSPs) and frontline supervisors (FLSs).  Using structured behavioral interview techniques can help increase DSP and FLS retention by helping organizations get to know the candidate better and to select the candidate that best matches the position. A structured behavioral interview and score guide are tools used to not only learn about the candidate but for them to also learn about the employer’s mission, vision, and values.

Through behavioral and situational questions, the interviewer learns about how the candidates would respond to potentially difficult situations or what they would do if faced with making choices between equally positive or negative choices.  Each candidate’s answers are scored based on established criteria for evaluating responses. Using a scoring guide helps the interviewer rate the candidates' responses to interview questions and provides scoring consistency among interviewers. 

The Structured Behavioral Interview webinar describes what a structural behavioral interview is and how using structured behavioral interviews helps you make better hiring selections.

DSP Interview Resources

Click on the images below to view or download the resources.

Behavioral Interview Guide 

Interview & Score Guide Template

Interview Questions

FLS Interview Resources

FLS Assesment 

FLS  Interview Questions

National FLS Competencies