Recruitment & Hiring Bonuses

Organizations are increasingly using recruitment and hiring bonuses to attract new employees. To ensure that a recruitment program is fair to new and current employees, organizations can pair a recruitment bonus with a hiring bonus so that both current and new employees have access to the incentives or rewards. Recruitment and hiring bonuses should be paid both shortly after hire and 6-12 months after hire since the goal is not only to get people to start the job but also to find people who will stay.

Recruitment or Referral Bonus 

A recruitment or employee referral bonus is an incentive or reward that is provided to a current employee who recommends a candidate for employment. Recruiting new employees through current or former employees, and others who know and understand the job of a DSP, reduces turnover. It reduces the number of new hires who leave because their expectations were not met.

Hiring or Signing Bonus

A hiring or signing bonus is an incentive or reward provided to a job candidate who received a job offer. The purpose is to entice the candidate to accept the job offer. Like recruitment bonuses, the goal of the hiring bonus is not simply to increase the number of applicants. Rather, the goal is to increase the number of new hires who stay for 6 to 12 months or longer.